Sites upload directory ?

Discussion in 'General' started by kadi, Apr 27, 2008.

  1. kadi

    kadi New Member

    I lately installed ispconfig 2.2.23 on centOS and is working
    fine except small things some of it that i need to know:
    when i add a site under sites, ispconfig will make web# for
    it i add 2 new sites and i uploaded the files but when i
    access the site on the web i still see the ispconfig temp
    index, so i checked on the server and found what i
    uploaded is under www/sitename/user/web !
    and under the www/sitename/web still the ispconfig
    temp index, all i did to setup web-ftp i am not sure if
    that was right, i setup user & email + password and
    used the user: web_ as username and the password to
    access the web-ftp, it comes on with (Maildir and Web)
    Please somebody tell me what am i doing wrong?
    Thanks alot for help in advance.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2008
  2. daveb

    daveb Member

    Be sure to select the administrator check box for the user you want to be the webs admin. Only the admin account has access to main web all other users will be directed to their user dir. Their can only be one admin user per web.
  3. kadi

    kadi New Member

    Thanks for your fast reply

    hi daveb
    thanks for your support, now it is clear to me just
    small problem: when i tried to upload with
    the proftpd from web-ftp i got error :chmod failed
    Thanks alot again for your help.
  4. daveb

    daveb Member

    Glade that worked for you. I rarly use the web-ftp but error with chmod might be a permissions problem.

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