Skip domain name of a shared server to a dedicated server

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by davidsa, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. davidsa

    davidsa New Member


    I have a little problem. I have a hosting with a domain name that I'll call "" with OVH.

    Yesterday I purchased a dedicated server including ISP Config 3 with OVH also.

    I tried to set my ohv manager to point my domain name to my dedicated server but without success.

    Here are the steps I implemented:

    1) At my manager Accommodation:

    In my DNS zones I changed my lines as what:

    . A "ip_de_mon_serveur_dédié" A "ip_de_mon_serveur_dédié" A "ip_de_mon_serveur_dédié"

    2) At my dedicated server and my ISP Config interface:

    I created a new site with domain ""

    I configured it yesterday, I thought it need a little moment for the DNS propagation but this afternoon it still not workind I can not access a

    So I guess I forgot something.

    Thank you in advance for your return.
  2. davidsa

    davidsa New Member

    up please!!!!!
  3. davidsa

    davidsa New Member

    That's fix, that was because I have an host configure and my local network.
    Just a mistake from me!

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