Hey! bit of a strange request here but maybe someone has a good idea on how to solve this. As of now i have quiet a few Domains in ISPConfig that transport mails to an exchange server via E-Mail Routing. Everything good with that. Sending outgoing mails through the exchange server is working fine too. However now let's talk about the problem i face. Alot of these domains also get used to send mail from special devices and appliances such as printers for example. Not all of these devices work correctly with the exchange authentification. Is there a way to send mail through the ISPConfig Servers postfix even tho these domains are Transport domains? I cannot create a mailbox because that would require me to add the domain as maildomain which breaks the transport functionality. Any ideas on how to solve this? Maybe edit the dovecot auth sql query to accept the cutstomer_no and password as auth too?
If the devices (or the internet connections they use) have a fixed IP, then just add their IP to the mynetworks line in postfix main.cf file.
Sure that will work, but i am not willing to add IP Adresses of customers to do that for security reasons or even to maintain the list if addresses change etc. We have 300 transport domains as of now. I don't know how many of these have this requirement, but i need a better solution :-(
Might be the best idea to just do that i guess. I'd like to use the ISPConfig customer_no and password for authetification, which should be possible with a SQL Query. Does one of you know on the top of their head what encryption algorthym is used for the password in the clients table and if dovecot is compatible with it?
Dovecot is compatible with that hashing method, it's a standard Linux crypt hash. See function crypt_password in the auth library in /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/classes/ for details.