smtp banner not matching

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by ariban99, May 3, 2016.

  1. ariban99

    ariban99 Member

    anyone knows how to gives these issues:

    [​IMG] smtp Reverse DNS does not contain the hostname [​IMG] More Info
    [​IMG] smtp Reverse DNS does not match SMTP Banner [​IMG] More Info
    [​IMG] smtp 6.499 seconds - Warning on Connection time [​IMG] More Info
    [​IMG] smtp 8.548 seconds - Not good! on Transaction Time [​IMG] More Info
  2. webguyz

    webguyz Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Reverse DNS is controlled by the ISP who is hosting you and gave your IP address. Ask them to set the reverse DNS to the same name as your mailsesrver

    To check what the DNS reverse is set for run nslookup and then type in the IP address of and it should return so forward and reverse DNS are the same for that IP.
  3. ariban99

    ariban99 Member

    thank you for your help and reply.
    how about if i am going to host a few different site, how do i work that out? do i have one mail server for example if i am hosting and also wholesaledeals, do i put a dns mx records in wholesaledeals to be as well, so it matches the reverse dns, or can my isp put many reverse dns records per each hostname?
  4. webguyz

    webguyz Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    You can host multiple domains on 1 ip. The other isps only care that your single forward IP and reverse IP match the host name to ensure your not a spammer. You connect and send the HELO or EHELO and they take you name and IP and verify the reverse, doesn't matter who the domain delivery is for.
  5. ariban99

    ariban99 Member

    perfect, thank you
  6. ariban99

    ariban99 Member

    sorry one more thing please.
    if my hostname in centos cat /etc/hostname shows, should my dns be changed from to and i should give my isp webserver1..... ?

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