Just got a new data line turned up yesterday to replace some very slow VSAT connections I had. ON the server I changed the IP address in all locations such as: Code: hosts, resolv.conf, interfaces, shorewall/interfaces Then I changed my DNS at the registrar to point o the new IP. Then I logged onto ISPConfig and changed the IP in 'Management > Settings > Server' I also added a client only IP to the IP List. After that I went into each clients account and adjusted their IP's accordingly. The issue: While my domain resolves and I can check email- I receive the following when attempting to send an email: Code: The server might be unavailable or is refusing SMTP connections What am I missing here? Prior to the new IP assignment all was good. Thanking you in advance for your help. Regards UBUNTU 6.06
AHHHHH, I see this is normal activity during the propagation period after changing the IP on a server??. It's all working now. Thank you everyone. Regards