Snort configuration error - Unknown rule type: dynamicpreprocessor

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by badgerbox76, Oct 12, 2006.

  1. badgerbox76

    badgerbox76 Member

    I am trying out the howto. Every thing went well until i ran across this error. Whats going wrong. When i configured it i had the --enable-dynamicplugin option on. I don't see why i am getting this. Thanks

    snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf output
    root@monitorwaves:/etc/snort# snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf                    Running in IDS mode
            --== Initializing Snort ==--
    Initializing Output Plugins!
    Initializing Preprocessors!
    Initializing Plug-ins!
    Parsing Rules file /etc/snort/snort.conf
    Initializing rule chains...
    Var 'EXTERNAL_NET' defined, value len = 15 chars, value = !
    Var 'DNS_SERVERS' defined, value len = 14 chars, value =
    Var 'SMTP_SERVERS' defined, value len = 14 chars, value =
    Var 'HTTP_SERVERS' defined, value len = 14 chars, value =
    Var 'SQL_SERVERS' defined, value len = 14 chars, value =
    Var 'TELNET_SERVERS' defined, value len = 14 chars, value =
    Var 'SNMP_SERVERS' defined, value len = 14 chars, value =
    Var 'HTTP_PORTS' defined, value len = 2 chars, value = 80
    Var 'SHELLCODE_PORTS' defined, value len = 3 chars, value = !80
    Var 'ORACLE_PORTS' defined, value len = 4 chars, value = 1521
    Var 'AIM_SERVERS' defined, value len = 185 chars
    Var 'RULE_PATH' defined, value len = 16 chars, value = /etc/snort/rules
    ERROR: /etc/snort/snort.conf(182) => Unknown rule type: dynamicpreprocessor
    Fatal Error, Quitting..
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. badgerbox76

    badgerbox76 Member

    ok i have read every thing there and nothing has helped. I tryed snort uninstall in the /root/snorttemp/snort- or what ever directory then i reconfigured it then make all then make check then make install and snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf and i still got the same error message. Althrouth one time during one of the uninstall and reinstall i did get snort to run when i tyed snort but when i ran snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf i got the same error. What nexted?
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's in your snort.conf?
  5. badgerbox76

    badgerbox76 Member

  6. badgerbox76

    badgerbox76 Member

  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    And you really tried all options from the two links I posted above?
  8. badgerbox76

    badgerbox76 Member

    Yes i listed all the things i have tryed so far and i belive that i did them all. I would like to reinstall it and try again but when i use the ./uninstall or snort uninstall the directory /etc/snort still contains file so i would belive that the other directorys would also contain files.
  9. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Then I don't know what's causing your problem... :(

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