Software Matrix : Features / Comparison ?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by XZed, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. XZed

    XZed New Member

    Hello all,

    Sorry if i posted this thread to the wrong category but didn't know where to post it exactly.

    I want to know if someone already has done something like this :

    A draft/final document comparing in a matrix-like sheet for each app category :

    the availability of a feature for a commercial app and 1 or 2 open source equivalent apps.

    To give an example :

    Example Software Matrix

    But with :

    - less applications (in this case i would select for example : Photoshop compared to Gimp and 1 or 2 more free apps)

    - more category applications (image editors, pdf softwares, etc...)

    I began to edit such a document but couldn't find different categories comparison ...

    If anyone already had edited such a comparison for a business use, i'd be pleased to have a copy :).

    Thank you.



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