[SOLVED]apache2 freezes

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Tomislav Aurednik, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. after installing opencart on my server it freezes my apache2. the error is mod_fcgid: process 20404 graceful kill fail, sending SIGKILL but it can't kill it. need help ASAP
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    have you tried to kill all apache processes with kill -9 option?
  3. no I rebooted it becouse my failover IP stopped working also... so mail also didn't work. can I use the ispconfig resync to build the users in shadow gshadow passwd?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No, you will get differnt uid's. If you made an ISPCOnfig update recently, then there should be a backup of the whole /etc directory in /var/backup/ispconfig.....
  5. nope... the problem is had to give them manual entrys(uids) because it stopped syncing those files 4 from the master to the backup but it synec from the backup to the master :( so the files were missing the users
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can use Tools > resync in ISPConfig to recreate the users if you have really no other source to get the original files back. But as I outlined, it might be that the uid's and gid's don't match. You will see that in the websites then when e.g. web5 has files owned by web3 or similar. in that case, you will either have to chown the files or you exchange the numeric uid's in the passwd and group file to match the ones of the files of the website.
    Tomislav Aurednik likes this.
  7. thanks for all the info Till. Thankfully there were only 2 users missing and the client was allready stored because of a previus website. So I just manually added them. It's working for now. If theyl start to cause problems I'll just create backups for the sites an DBs, delete them and create them again using ispconfig. This should create new working users, I think?
    I normally kill apache with: pidof apache2 and then kill <pid_of_apache2>. Never used and don't know the -9 option, need to look up the difference and what it does.

    And to stop the freeze I needed to delete the opencart site. It looks like it doesn't work well with Fast-CGI php7. A clients opencart works with no problem, but it uses php 5.6.30.
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

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