Is possible that has been solved this question many times but have found nothing that works for me (I searched on this forum, manual and documentation). I follow this steps to create a subdomain to redirect it to a different website or create a website with a subdomain (Whatever you want to call): -Step 1- I created a new website following "Method 2" of Subdomains section fo documentation. I entered "" in the domain field. -Sted 2- I created a FTP for "" website. -Sted 3- I created a new CNAME record in records list on the "" zone following this tutorial. I created a CNAME record and I entered "subdomain" in Hostname field and I entered "" in Target Hostname field. Then when I open "" on Firefox I only achieve a Server not found page. Where is my mistake? Thanks
It is very strange. The test that I have done brokes "". To make this test I added a "A" record to DNS with the "". I removed this record and I made a "CNAME" record with "" and majority of subdomains (with or without own website) have sartarted to works fine. I will create the subdomains that doesn't works fine to fix them.