[SOLVED] Installation with --no-quota flag ??

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Slimat, Feb 8, 2023.

  1. Slimat

    Slimat Member

    I have an installation (Version: 3.2.9 upgraded to 3.2.9p1).

    During the original installation it failed with;
    [ERROR] Exception occured: ISPConfigOSException -> Command mount -o remount / 2>&1 && quotaoff -avug 2>&1 && quotacheck -avugm 2>&1 && quotaon -avug 2>&1 failed. (/ispconfig.ai.php:15)
    So, the only way I could install it was using the --no-quota flag;
    wget -O - https://get.ispconfig.org | sh -s -- --use-ftp-ports=40110-40210 --unattended-upgrades --no-quota
    My understanding was that this would disable the file system quota ability - but when I log in to the UI and navigate to a particular website, I still see the 'Harddisk Quota' option and when I set a limit it still shows the set limit after I log out and log back in.

    Does this just show the set limit, but not enforce it? I was just curious as I didn't expect to see the harddisk quota option as it was disabled during the installation.

    If it really is disabled, is there an easy way to re-enable it post-installation?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The quota option in ISPConfig is always visible, so you did not disable quota in ISPConfig. What you did is to tell the auto installer to not enable quota in /etc/fstab. So setting quota in ISPConfig has no effect now as the underlying filesystem does not support it.

    The reason that you got a quota error from auto-installer is that your system does not support quota so when it is enabled in /etc/fstab, the harddisk failed to mount. It might be that you can get quota to work manually, but it also can be that your system doe snot support it. E.g. when you run this system inside a Linux container that is virtualized with LXC, then quota can not work. or when it uses a filesystem that does not support Linux filesystem quota, it also can not work. So the next questions to sort this out are: What kind of server or virtual server do you use and which filesystem type? It might also be useful when you post the content of /etc/fstab file in addition.
  3. Slimat

    Slimat Member

    Thanks @till - I thought that was probably the case - this installation is on a minimal ubuntu, which you rightly identified, during another issue, that my VPS provider is hosting a non-standard instance, so... as it was a nightmare setting up and getting working, I will leave as-is rather than risking breaking my (now stable thanks to you ;)) production server.
    Just in case anyone else finds this thread who is having similar issues, I have attached the contents of my /etc/fstab file for info.

    Attached Files:

  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The fstab does not even contains a mount point for the root file system, so this must be some kind of container. If it is based on e.g. Virtuozzo, quota might work even without configuring it in the VM, but if it's lxc or Docker or similar, then it won't work. There is indeed nothing that you can do for configuring this on this system, it might either work (e.g. set a quote for the site, try uploading files that exceed quota by FTP, if it fails, then you know that quota works, if you can upload more files, quota does not work. Or just ignore it while keeping in mind that site sizes are likely unrestricted :)
  5. Slimat

    Slimat Member

    Many thanks @till I will try that. As I said before, because this is a VPS from a provider, I dont know what they are providing exactly as I dont have access to their backend systems. I will try FTP'ing some files into a site and see if/when it fails and then let you know before closing this one - thanks again :)
  6. Slimat

    Slimat Member

    Looks like it works as I tried to FTP a 70Mb file into a site with a 10Mb limit... the FTP client would upload as much of the file as it could in the allowed space then prompt me saying the file already exists and then stopped when I told it to overwrite. On the dash it shows as reached its hard limit;


    If I try to upload anything else, it says it cant upload...
    till likes this.

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