OS Debian 11 (Bullseye) ISPConfig 3.2.8p1 PHP CLI 7.4.28 I am trying to enable ssl on vhosts using LetsEncrypt. The cert is issued correctly but it seems that ispconfig is not creating the *:443 section in the vhost file. There are no errors in the ispconfig, certbot or apache logs. The SSL module is enabled in apache2 and the template file in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf/vhost.conf.master` does contain the <tmpl_if name='ssl_enabled'> section. This behaviour happens for all websites that I've created. I've tried disabling/enabling mod_ssl, restarting apache, upgrading/reconfiguring ispconfig, enabling/disabling LetsEncrypt on the vhost, putting ispconfig in debug mode (no errors). Any help much appreciated.
Please run: dpkg-reconfigure dash and choose 'no' in the following dialog. then try to enable the let's encrypt checkbox again. if this does not help, use debug mode to find out why the SSL vhost can not be activated: https://www.faqforge.com/linux/debugging-ispconfig-3-server-actions-in-case-of-a-failure/
Thank you till, that worked. I had been pulling my hair out over this. Just an FYI in case it's helpful down the road, I had followed the instructions for debugging ispconfig but there were no errors that I noticed. Thanks again!
In such a case, please always post the debug output as we are able to identify the problem then. In regard to debugging, the output must be from the creation of the SSL cert, so you must tick LE checkbox and save before running server.sh.