OPERATING FRAMEWORK Hosting provider : OVH Machine : remote VPS OS distro : Ubuntu 22.04 LTS SSH user : superuser with sudo rights SSH terminal : MacBook Air Hello, Please help to solve this issue. Ssh connection fails as soon as firewall is defaultly setup following this ISPConfig auto-install instructions : https://www.howtoforge.com/ispconfig-autoinstall-debian-ubuntu/ Screenshot of firewall default setup How may I get rid of such this issue ? Regards
Works fine here, no issues with the Firewall. So probably something specific to OVH and their setup or do you use SSH on a different port? The default SSH port is in the list, so it does not get closed.
Effectively, as OVH is recommending it for security reasons, I did change default port 22 for SSH to another port number. Should I add this new port number to the TCP port list in ISPConfig-dashboard/system/firewall ?
Adding new port to TCP port list solved the issue, thanks ! However, I don't remember to have ever faced this issue with previous Ubuntu 20.04 version... !
If you close a port in a firewall that you use, then this must stop connections. No matter which Ubuntu version you use.