[SOLVED] SSH access for client - Tutorial?

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by DrMartinus, Aug 1, 2022.

  1. DrMartinus

    DrMartinus Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I am still trying to give a client access to his webspace via SSH. I have enabled SSH access for him and enabled jailkit. With this he lands in an empty space, there is no access to his webfolder (var/www...). I have found (via Google) several old posts (the youngest from 2018, I think) which say that I need to enable SSH access for the site as well, but I looked very thoroughly through all options in the "sites" section, there is no option to enable SSH access or to name a SSH user, which was also suggested somewhere.

    And a side remark/question: I tried to search for "SSH", I get no result. I tried to search for "SSH access", I got tons of results all unrelated to SSH. Is the search feature broken?
  2. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    As the client is in a jail, the web folder is in /web for him. The private folder is in /private, etc.
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    He lands in his client home folder, which is empty indeed if he starts using it without having uploaded anything. Access to the web folder is available for him by simply going to the web folder with:

    cd ../../web

    So just use the normal shell command 'cd' to navigate to the folder that you want to go to, there is nothing special regarding ISPConfig or jails here, works like on any Linux system.

    I've also added a chapter in the ISPConfig website creation tutorial on this topic now:


    The folder structure of a website when seen relative to the web root is:

    /web (website folder)
    /home/yourusername (home folder of your user)
    /log (website log files)
    /ssl (SSL certs)
    /private (folder to put private files)

    There might be more folders, but these are the most relevant ones. So when you logon by ssh with "yourusername) then you are in the folder /home/yourusername and by using the cd command (cd ../../web) your user is able to go to the web folder.
  4. DrMartinus

    DrMartinus Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Thanks, I passed this info on to the client and hope it works for him. :)

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