Hey there So, i've recently started getting ***UNCHECKED*** preppended to the beginning of mail coming from my server, and i've read that it has something to do with the clam-av service, but there's no errors logged in the clam-av log on ISPConfig. I tried sending an message to myself but don't get the same preppend. I get them when sending from my billing software(Invoice Ninja), and clients have reporting the same behaviour when sending from their CMS. What else can i check to find out what's causing this?
PDF. This is the first time it happens though. and it happens with the test email from the software as well which is just plain text. The issue seems to happen when i send emails in quick succession(under a minute it seems), but not if i wait longer.
Still need help with this as i'm still getting the ***UNCHECKED*** in email subject line. I got the following from my freshclam log on the ispconfig control panel:
This was just on July 2, clamd was not running at that time. But it's running now as the issue did not reoccur. When clamd is not running then the email will get scanned with clamscan, it's just a bit slower but it will be scanned.
Turns out the clamav-daemon has stopped running for something. The logs don't seem to list a reason as to why it stopped running. A status check of the daemon gives: Any ideas on what to check as to what's causing the daemon to quit running?