Some king of bug?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by momo, Dec 23, 2005.

  1. momo

    momo New Member


    The ISPconfig Panel shows web statistic:

    On Server:

    On repquota
    repquota -avug | grep web55
    web55 -- 204788 307200 307200 689 0 0


    The mail report comes correct:
    Group: web55
    Used Storage Space: 199.99 MB
    Allocated Storage Space: 200.00 MB

    As you can see problem is in ISPconfig Panel statistic showing module. Some sites are showing corect, some not...:(

    Thanks for your time
  2. momo

    momo New Member

    Mail report shows 200 allocated space is because I changed the value 10 min ago from 200 to 300 mb and mail report come in midnight ;)
  3. momo

    momo New Member

    also, no files outside from /we55/ dir, everything is in the user directory with right permissions: group web55. As you can see the repquota shows 200 mb of space is used for web55 user and the sum for web55 dir is 200 mb.
  4. momo

    momo New Member

    ups sorry for mistape mistakes "Some kind of bug" should be
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    In ISPConfig the size of the webspace directorys is checked with the command:

    du -h --max-depth=1 /var/www/web55/
  6. momo

    momo New Member

    du -h --max-depth=1 /home/www/web55/
    14M /home/www/web55/web
    188M /home/www/web55/user
    208K /home/www/web55/log
    4,0K /home/www/web55/cgi-bin
    4,0K /home/www/web55/ssl
    4,0K /home/www/web55/phptmp
    201M /home/www/web55/

    As you can see, size of /user/ is 188M, but ISP config show a nonsense :(
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Maybe its a problem that the admispconfig user does get another result. Please try this:

    su admispconfig
    du -h --max-depth=1 /home/www/web55/
  8. momo

    momo New Member

    Yes, you are right!

    su admispconfig
    admispconfig@***:/home/www/web44$ du -h --max-depth=1 /home/www/web55/
    14M /home/www/web55/web
    du: `/home/www/web55/user/***/Maildir': Permission denied
    du: `/home/www/web55/user/***/Maildir': Permission denied
    du: `/home/www/web55/user/***/Maildir': Permission denied
    368K /home/www/web55/user
    208K /home/www/web55/log
    4,0K /home/www/web55/cgi-bin
    4,0K /home/www/web55/ssl
    4,0K /home/www/web55/phptmp
    14M /home/www/web55/

    That should I do now? Thanks in advice!
  9. momo

    momo New Member

    cat /etc/group | grep web55

    *** - changed user name
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There is a workaround for this.

    1) You must install and configure sudo, so that the user admispconfig is allowed to run the du command like: sudo du -h .......

    2) Open the ISPConfig conf file /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/ and add this line at the end, but before the ?>

    $go_info["server"]["sudo_du_enabled"] = true;
  11. momo

    momo New Member

    Ok, thanks, I will try a little bit later, must go now... After all I'll post here my results.

    Have a nice day,
  12. momo

    momo New Member

    Perfect, the statistic reporting systems is working great with enabled sudo du ( as root ) command.

    Thanks Till for help!

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