Some minor problems with additional templates.

Discussion in 'General' started by tensor, Nov 18, 2010.

  1. tensor

    tensor New Member

    1. When the client account does not have an additional template applied and administrator clicks "Delete additional template", JS alert pops up:

    "no additional template selcted" (note the spelling typo).

    This message in this case is misleading and really should be "This template is not applied to the account".

    2. I can add several times the same additional template and click "Save". Later if I open that account, duplicate additional templates are listed. To remove them, I must click "Delete additional template" several times.

    3. The buttons "Add additional template" and "Delete additional template" should be below the drop down "Addon template" (and it should be named "Add/Remove additional template").

    4. When there are no additional templates applied, there should be a text "No additional templates applied". The form should have a label "Applied additional templates". Currently, there are no label.

    5. When applying several templates, the text is misaligned. See the screenshot. Firefox 3.6.

    Anyway, thanks for the great software.

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