I need to support a website written for PHP 5.3.22 for one of the clients I'm migrating to this new ISPConfig server. I'm following this tutoriallHow To Use Multiple PHP Versions (PHP-FPM & FastCGI) With ISPConfig 3 (Ubuntu 12.10) and I've got stuck at the step: The response was "No sources found for PHP5" I had already uncommented the ppa's in the sources.list for sources, but still not found. So I proceeded to add this PPA ppandrej/php and uncommented the source there also. Still same problem. Any ideas please?
I guess it's unlikely that you are using Ubuntu 12.10 (a roughly 10 year old Ubuntu release) and this guide is for Ubuntu 12.10 only as the title mentions and will not work on newer versions. So it makes no sense that you use this guide for your problem as it simply can't work. Compiling PHP 5.3 on a recent Ubuntu version is quite tricky as you'll probably have to compile things like OpenSSL etc. in old versions first. So if you want to compile such an old PHP version, search the internet for a guide that matches the Ubuntu version and desired PHP version that you want to install and not just the PHP version.
Yes, forgot to mention that this is 18.04 I'm using, but it was recommended elsewhere on howtoforge by someone who had used it successfully on 16.04. Noted on the openSSL compiling. I'll look for an updated tutorial. Thanks Till.
If your web works with PHP 5.6 you can install it easely with this commands: Code: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php apt update sudo apt install php5.6 php5.6-fpm You can search for other PHP modules available with apt search php5 and install them with apt install. Ie, surely you will need connect with DB, so you can install php-mysql with: Code: sudo apt install php5.6-mysql Check PHP 5.6 status with systemctl status php5.6-fpm And then follow this tutorial to add this new PHP version to ispconfig sites
Thanks Hi Recin, I was hoping to use that, since much easier installation that way, however, unfortunately the website needs 5.3 or earlier! In the end, after a failed installation of all the dependencies for php5 (and performing a roll-back to a snapshot I made before I began) I told the company that we can no longer support their website until it has been made compliant with recent PHP versions. Thanks.