What is the solution to spam that isn't really spam that is being marked as spam, is there a way to solve this problem that i am having?
wihch software are you using to determine what is spam and what is not? spamassassin? bsfilter? bogofilter spamd? Anyway If you're using spamassassin (as I think) you should find clues in the headers of the analized emails. Post them and may be we'll find out why!
I am using spamassassin, some of the mail that is marked as spam in the headers is really not spam, am i supposed to be draggin this to the "ham" folder on my "mua"? or is there a how-to that will clear this up for me...all help is well appreciated, thanx
Learning ham/spam and dragging emails to special folders depends on your setup. A) you must use IMAP B) you need to write custom scripts to regularly run Code: sa-learn with the correct parameters and as the correct user. As you have not given us any further info about your setup, I/we can't assist you more at the moment.