SPAM mails don't get maked with ***SPAM*** in subject

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by petzsch, Feb 15, 2024.

  1. petzsch

    petzsch New Member

    I have an issue with my newly setup ISPConfig Server (Ubuntu 22.04). Whenever I get a SPAM message it only gets the header (X-Spam: Yes) added.
    However I have it configured that rspamd should rewrite the subject line:

    Background: I followed the perfect server guide for ubuntu 20.04 (as there is none for 22.04 and I can't use the autoinstaller for my ARM64 VPS).
    I'm leaning toward the idea that I might have forgotten to install a dependency.
    Any help would be hightly appreciated.
  2. petzsch

    petzsch New Member

    sorry it was a layer 8 problem. I had the SPAM filter deactivated under email domain settings.
    Th0m likes this.

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