Spam protection for remote hosted e-mail domain

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by dpetrek, Apr 19, 2017.

  1. dpetrek

    dpetrek New Member

    Sorry if asking the obvious, I've just not played with antispam and email-routing possibilities of ISPConfig to be sure I know answer to my question.
    Would it be possible to set up ISPConfig in a way to clean/mark e-mails for particular domain and then forward cleaned/marked to particular IP (SMTP) ? As easy as setting up Email transport functionality?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes, that's easy to setup.

    1) Add a transport for that domain in ISPConfig.
    2) Add the domain (or eve better the email addresses) as relay recipients in ISPConfig.
    3) Add the domain (if all emails for that domain shall use the same policy) or the individual addresses under Spamfilter > User/domain in ISPConfig. This setting is the one that defines how the incoming emails are treated regarding spam and antivirus scans.

    I use this setup e.g. for some users that have their own exchange servers in the local network and ISPConfig acts as mail server and spamfilter system in the internet and forwards all email to the exchange after filtering it.
    dpetrek likes this.
  3. dpetrek

    dpetrek New Member

    Exactly what I want to accomplish aswell.
    Any special tweaks/improvements over standard antispam/virus protection ISPConfig provides?
    Like using additional antispam/antivirus engines, adidtional rules etc.?
    How good is this default protection "out of the box"?

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