Dear All For sometime now I've been contemplating moving from my commercial software AntiSPAM filter to SpamAssassin. I've been working with Linux and FreeBSD for a couple of years, but I am totally new to SpamAssassin and Perl. I followed the instructions from this link to install on a Testbed RHEL 6.4 machine. Although the SpamAssassin installation was not quite smooth, I referred a couple of other documentation and figured out some Perl Modules are required and I installed them, they are listed below FYI. cpan>install Time::HiRes cpan>install NetAddr::IP cpan>install Archive::Tar cpan>install IO::Zlib cpan>install Mail::SPF cpan>install IP::Country cpan>install Razor2 cpan>install Net::Ident cpan>install IO::Socket::INET6 cpan>install IO::Socket::SSL cpan>install Compress::Zlib cpan>install Mail:KIM cpan>install LWP::UserAgent cpan>install HTTP:ate module cpan>install Encode:etect cpan>install Net::CIDR cpan>install Archive::Zip Now when I start "service MailScanner start", it starts smoothly without any errors, when I look at /var/log/maillog, I can see Postfix starting and MailScanner connecting to SpamAssassin. Frankly I haven't completely understood the way they work in tandem, but I think all incoming Emails are checked by Postfix and moved to "/var/spool/postfix/hold" through a statement "/^Received:/ HOLD" in "/etc/postfix/header_checks" and SpamAssassin picks it up from there through a statement "Incoming Queue Dir = /var/spool/postfix/hold" in /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf. However it appears to me that SpamAssassin is not picking up Emails from there because when I enable the "/^Received:/ HOLD" statement, all new Emails are getting delivered to "/var/spool/postfix/hold" and they remain there and nothing happens. Its only when I uncomment that statement, new Emails starts getting delivered to the Exchange Server upstream. I am assuming SpamAssassin is not coming in play at all here and Postfix is the only thing that's working. The ones that are there in the "/var/spool/postfix/hold" continues to remain there even after the "/^Received:/ HOLD" statement is uncommented. Where do you think I am going wrong? Any help is welcome please. Thanks UD
Spamassassin (SA) is just a bunch of perl files which can be used in a few ways. 1. Daemon / Client combination (spamd / spamc) 2. One shot command (spamassassin) 3. Use SA's perl libs to include in your code (embed SA's functionality in your software, like amavis does) I read you run Mailscanner. Although that's a nice bundle of software/scripts put together, you're missing the whole inner works thus keeping SA/amavis a black box for you. What I always use is Postfix -> Amavis(->SA) I let postfix talk to amavis, and let amavis talk to SA. It's a breeze..