Hello, i have the problem that the SpamAssassin's Daemon ist not running: netstat -tap: than i start the Daemon manual it run: ... how to start the daemon after reboot? or does the spamd daemon start with ispconfig init.d Script? Debian Perfect Setup (Sarge) with Backports PHP/MySQL Anybody have a Idea why the daemon don't start?
OK, that makes this clear... can you please tell how i can check if SpamAssassin is running? Because i have a lot of spam since about 3 weeks.
Spamassassin is invoked by a procmail recipe. First check if there is a .spamassassin.rc file in the users home directory. If it is there, you might debug procmail as described here: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10529