I've searched everywhere on this forum but can't find an answer to this. If a user adds some tests (for example, "score SUBJECT_DRUG_GAP_C 5.0") to their .user_prefs file in their home directory (/var/www/web1/user/nameofuser/.user_prefs), the next time a change is made to that user's ISPConfig email settings through the control panel, those custom settings are overwritten with the default template. What can I do to stop this overwriting from happening? Should these custom settings be put somewhere else? I'm completely out of ideas here - any help you could give would be much appreciated!
So then... I guess this begs the question, where should these settings be stored? If globally, where is the correct place to put additional "score" tests?
I found it OK, I did some more searching and my last question has been answered before. But, for those who need the same info: To specify additional tests in Spamassassin to be added to every mail user's spamassassin profile (you cannot make settings per-user, only globally), edit the file: /root/ispconfig/isp/conf/user_prefs.master I tried this and it has worked like a charm!