Hello, i have a problem on 1 of my mailservers. The software configuration is like this: QMAIL, Vpopmail, courier-imap, Qmailadmin, MySql, Spamassassin, clamav. It has been working for months without any problems bu suddenly spamassassin refuses to work giving this in the log: Code: connect to spamd on failed, retrying (#1 of 3): Interrupted system call after a manual restart it works a couple of minutes as expected and then the problem happens again... Any ideas? Thanks
i have tried different versions of spamassassin, the behavior from my previous post is of the latest stable i downloaded from the web - in this case the system load is normal (have not checked the memory). But when i install spamassassin package from my distro repository, i get VERY high load something like this just happened about a minute ago: Code: top - 12:42:19 up 126 days, 23:39, 4 users, load average: 77.91, 94.27, 70.22 both versions are tested with the same settings of spamd