Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS server ISPConfig Hi all, While manually creating emails (domains, users) I had everything setup (both domain and user email acounts) to Spamfilter 'Normal' permission. After setting 'Quarantine' emails accounts, it turns out that every email user ( around 100 users ), need to be set to 'Permissive' Spamfilter policy (allow BAD HEADER). I just would like to know if there is one 'magic SQL' that would allow me to do this, as I don't have time (right now) to study the ISPConfig3 code. (looking at the ispconfig MySQL tables hasn't been enough) Thanks in advance for your time and comprehension. Nicolas
Hello, Looking at the spamfilter_users policy_id settings in the sql tables, it appears to me that "Normal" is a setting of 5 and "Permissive" is a setting of 7. I reckon you could try a SQL statement like: Code: UPDATE `dbispconfig`.`spamfilter_users` SET `policy_id` = '7' WHERE `spamfilter_users`.`policy_id` = 5; Then try a mailbox resync from ispconfig interface. Would like to know myself from a developer if the above is feasible! M
Thanks for the update - has it actually applied the spam rules by doing a mailbox resync? That was the part I was unsure of - by manually editing the SQL tables we need some way of applying the settings made with that bulk update.
All email accounts ( that were previousely at 'Normal' ) are showing 'Permissive' permissions in ISPConfig after running the SQL Command and the resync of : - mailbox - clientdb config from ispconfig interface. (sorry I checked these 2 ones while resync, so I can't tell about mailbox resync only)