my ip and domain have been blacklisted by spamhouse. The server is 1 month old and is configured with ispconfig 3.2.9p1 Mxtoolbox tells me this as the cause of the ban: Reason for listing - No IP queries, see DBL#279 We've checked and it doesn't appear that there are any spam mails coming from the server. Could the problem be caused by a misconfiguration of ispconfig ?
Most likely, you exceeded their free usage limits. Remove the blacklist under System > server config > mail
ok, i emptied Real-time Blackhole List, asked for delisting and it worked. An alternative to the Real-time Blackhole List would be needed.
There are lots of real time blackhole lists, use Internet Search Engines and choose a few that suit your particular server situation. lists alot of RBLs you can check them out here. You might need to check the official providers site to see the use conditions