specific dns not updating

Discussion in 'General' started by Waqas Saeed, Jul 11, 2024.

  1. Waqas Saeed

    Waqas Saeed Member

    Am adding record to verify the domain name in SMTP2GO. the dns works fine has no .err file; and also it is able to propagate immediately within minutes. but the following doesn't seems to be showing. (or verifying within SMTP2GO console)
    em487952 > return.smtp2go.net
    s487952._domainkey > dkim.smtp2go.net
    why doesn't it show up on the dns records?

    Attached Files:

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Post a screenshot of what you added in ISPConfig. Just a guess: maybe you missed adding a dot after the fully qualified domain names?
    ahrasis likes this.
  3. Waqas Saeed

    Waqas Saeed Member

  4. pyte

    pyte Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    If you don't end the target hostname field with a dot(".") the domainname of the zone will be appended. So you need to end the field with a dot in this case e.g. "return.smtp2go.net."
  5. Waqas Saeed

    Waqas Saeed Member

    yes. i was about to message you that your guess is right. it was without the .dot.
    to send the email smtp/rely can you guide me. something like i have to disable the smtp to reply to work or keep smtp as it is. enabled. in the main config. setting. the smtp of my local isp is almost useless.
  6. pyte

    pyte Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    If i understand you correctly you want to send all outgoing mails from your ISPConfig system through the smtp2go service, right?

    I think in that case you need to set "System -> Server Config -> ServerXXX(e.g. your mailserver if this is a multiserver setup) -> E-Mail Tab" and then set Relay-Host, Relay-User and Relay-Password to send all mails through the smtp2go service with your account data of the service.
    I've never used this function, but that's what seems correct to me. @till correct me if i'm wrong here
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    @pyte Yes, that's what he must do if he wants to use a relay service for outgoing emails.
    pyte likes this.
  8. Waqas Saeed

    Waqas Saeed Member

    No, that's a single server. So what should be in this case @pyte rely or smtp.
  9. pyte

    pyte Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    That was just a hint that if you run a multiserver setup that you need to select the correct server. If you only have a single server setup then select that server.
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    It does not matter if this is a single or multiserver. Go to System > server config > mail and confuígure the external relay server there.
  11. pyte

    pyte Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Well nevermind my assumption then :) Anyways as you only have one select that one
  12. Waqas Saeed

    Waqas Saeed Member

    thks buddy. it is default server yes. but i have setup smtp; am using the smtp2go, that i have configured in Main Config > Mail. but i do not see the Mail if am trying to send a email from [email protected] that is verified.

    Please note that, the Log may be different as i have changed the setting of ports. but usually these ports are open. by telnet including 25,2525 also,
    Let me know the step to know. where to go and change setting.
    domain name : imranaslam.com has been verified and tested. with 2525 ports also.
    i have added the smtp2go three records in DNS to verify the domain name.
    overall, i do not see the log. if am using the webmail of imranaslam.com i do not see the log that mail sent or error. or something smtp2go unable to connect. (to also make things more clear for you to understand that, i have no reverse dns of the ip at this moment).
  13. pyte

    pyte Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Allthough TLS/SSL is optional for that service i strongly advise you to use it.

    After setting this up and sending a mail what is the mail.log at /var/log/mail.log showing? If there is nothing in there, are you sure that your server is working correctly? Is the postfix service running?
  14. Waqas Saeed

    Waqas Saeed Member

    user@trendicons:~$ tail /var/log/mail.log

    2024-07-12T05:42:46.603183-07:00 trendicons dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<[email protected]>, method=PLAIN, rip=::1, lip=::1, mpid=263569, secured, session=<+7dmNwwdQOYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>

    2024-07-12T05:42:46.690868-07:00 trendicons dovecot: imap([email protected])<263569><+7dmNwwdQOYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>: Disconnected: Logged out in=418 out=770 deleted=0 expunged=0 trashed=0 hdr_count=0 hdr_bytes=0 body_count=0 body_bytes=0

    2024-07-12T05:42:47.317499-07:00 trendicons dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<[email protected]>, method=PLAIN, rip=::1, lip=::1, mpid=263571, secured, session=<lPBxNwwdUOYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>

    2024-07-12T05:42:47.832788-07:00 trendicons dovecot: imap([email protected])<263571><lPBxNwwdUOYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>: Disconnected: Logged out in=70 out=727 deleted=0 expunged=0 trashed=0 hdr_count=0 hdr_bytes=0 body_count=0 body_bytes=0

    2024-07-12T05:42:47.985447-07:00 trendicons dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<[email protected]>, method=PLAIN, rip=::1, lip=::1, mpid=263574, secured, session=<xR98NwwdYOYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>

    2024-07-12T05:42:48.025436-07:00 trendicons dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<[email protected]>, method=PLAIN, rip=::1, lip=::1, mpid=263575, secured, session=<sbZ8NwwdbuYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>

    2024-07-12T05:42:48.051712-07:00 trendicons dovecot: imap([email protected])<263575><sbZ8NwwdbuYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>: Disconnected: Logged out in=120 out=877 deleted=0 expunged=0 trashed=0 hdr_count=0 hdr_bytes=0 body_count=0 body_bytes=0

    2024-07-12T05:42:48.068471-07:00 trendicons dovecot: imap([email protected])<263574><xR98NwwdYOYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>: Disconnected: Logged out in=320 out=11896 deleted=0 expunged=0 trashed=0 hdr_count=23 hdr_bytes=5575 body_count=0 body_bytes=0

    2024-07-12T05:42:54.009712-07:00 trendicons postfix/smtp[263567]: warning: DNSSEC validation may be unavailable

    2024-07-12T05:42:54.010096-07:00 trendicons postfix/smtp[263567]: warning: reason: dnssec_probe 'ns:.' received a response that is not DNSSEC validated

    yes it works fine both with systemctl status.

    new setting of ssl. with 465 ssl enabled. @pyte
  15. pyte

    pyte Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Did you try to send an email within that timeframe that the "tail /var/log/mail.log" command ran? There is no inidication of any attempt to send an email anywhere.

    What client are you using to send the mail, is it setup properly?
  16. Waqas Saeed

    Waqas Saeed Member

    literally, No. i've added the smtp and then moved to the webmail to check. Postfix/Dovecot. domain name verified. no issue. i didn't setup thing much in the isp config 3

    2024-07-12T06:08:21.886741-07:00 trendicons dovecot: imap([email protected])<265747><DAfokgwdaNcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>: Disconnected: Logged out in=91 out=1030 deleted=0 expunged=0 trashed=0 hdr_count=0 hdr_bytes=0 body_count=0 body_bytes=0
  17. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Login to webmail and try to send an email. Afterwards, look into the mail.log to see what got added there.

    The line from mail.log you posted is not about sending. Its just the logout from webmail.
  18. Waqas Saeed

    Waqas Saeed Member

    @till it seems that webmail isn't processing the mail.
  19. Waqas Saeed

    Waqas Saeed Member

    @till am adding the full config consist of 2 full screenshots.

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  20. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Try to send an email with webmail to the same account that you used to login to webmail.

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