SPF on subdomains of main ISPConfig

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Gerry F, Mar 25, 2024.

  1. Gerry F

    Gerry F New Member

    I have 3 full web servers...
    I have a domain for the first domain.com, and in the DNS i have server2.domain.com and server3.domain.com with A records.
    domain.com has a SPF record that includes all three.
    Now on a domain I have hosted on server3.domain.com, some emails are being rejected and in the headers I can see a line saying SPF failed.
    Do I need to create a DNS Zone for the subdomains to add a SPF record? (and an A record and MX record all pointing to the subdomain?)
    domain.com, server2.domain.com and server3.domain.com all host different websites. Each server runs it's own services.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No, you just add a spf record for the subdomain in the regular domain zone.
  3. Gerry F

    Gerry F New Member

    Perfect and done. Thanks.

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