Squirrel mail - not found

Discussion in 'General' started by smokinjo, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. smokinjo

    smokinjo Member

    I have 3 different websites.

    I have tried using the suggested website for my squirrel mail:


    I saw in a previous forum post that we could change the directory/subdirectory. I tried this. Same result:
    no page found.

    I am using wordpress for the websites, if this would help.

    If anyone has ideas to get access to my squirrel mail, this owuld be great.

    On the same note, do I have to turn on Squirrel mail for it to appear?


  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You hae to install squirrelmail as described in the perfect server tutorials to appear with an /webmail alias.
  3. smokinjo

    smokinjo Member

    Hello Till,

    Thanks for the reply.

    When I installed ISPConfig, I installed each and every step mentionned in the perfect installation of ISP Config.

    How would I confirm that it was installed?

    As well, if for some reason it is not there, is there a way to install it now with out causing problems? Would I just to thepart of the perfect install that pertains to squirrelmail?


  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Which Linux Distribution do you use?
  5. smokinjo

    smokinjo Member

    Hello Till,

    I used Debian. Version 7 I believe.

  6. smokinjo

    smokinjo Member

    Hello Till,

    I just wanted to follow up with my quest to find squirell mail on my server.

    I do use Debian.

    Can you help me confirm that it installed, and how to get it working?

    Thanks for your help!

  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer


    dpkg-reconfigure squirrelmail

    and ensure that it is enabled in apache in the dialog that this command opens.

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