why following the instruction for squirrelmail on your ispconfig server within 10 easy steps i ran into the following error can some one please direct me in solving that problem
You have to execute the commands chown -R www-data:www-data data and chown -R www-data:www-data sqmattachments within your drectory /var/www/web1/ not within /var/www/web1/web/
Ok i figure out the problem. The command should be ./conf.pl and not ./config.pl. I was able to complete the setup but my problem now is that when type in the address in the browser for the mail client I get the default index page. http://webmail.xxxxxxx.info Can someone help me troubleshoot this please.
remove the default index.html provided by ISPConfig with the command rm index.html or rename it if you want to keep it with the command mv index.html index-old.html. By the way your squirrelmail login screen can be visited already if you point to index.php withib your browser