SquirrelMail URL error via ISPConfig panel

Discussion in 'General' started by lordi, Dec 30, 2015.

  1. lordi

    lordi New Member

    ISPConfig 3 with CentOS 6.7 and using perfect server tutorial
    hello, after a while I create email for my hosting.
    but I found a glitch, when you access with :
    https://example.com/webmail -> it works
    but when you access via ISP web panel - Mail - Mail Box and click envelope icon, it redirect to :
    https://example.com:8080/webmail/ -> error, config not found
    how to edit those redirect links, or fix it

    thanx a lot for the help
  2. CreeWarrior

    CreeWarrior Member

    I just tried on my sever and it works, however there is a difference in the url when im logged into ISPConfig. When im logged and in Email>Email Mailbox i click the envelope it opens another tab in my browser with the url of
    I setup my server with Prefect Server tut Ubuntu 14 and it specifies to create ispconfig with server1.mysite.com
    Can you log into icpconfig with https://example.com:8080
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can set any URL that you want for webmail, just login to ispconfig, go to system > Interface config and set "https://example.com/webmail" in the webmail URL field and press ve.sa
  4. lordi

    lordi New Member

    yep got it thanx
    but I have some difficulty when access from internal network
    I use NAT for those web, and when you access via internal network using local Ip, result in error.
    since I cant access those web in internal network using public address
    something wrong in my NAT conf? or it can be set up automatically detect for internal ip or public Ip?

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