Squirrelmail web access

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by serr57, Nov 10, 2008.

  1. serr57

    serr57 New Member

    Hi all,

    I would like to have a link to squirrelmail web access without port, I have seen a topic to do this on the forum.

    I have created a new co domain for the site, but the question is, that I have already installed the package squirrelmailOutlook, and I don't want to lose anythings, what must I do with the old package, and keeping the theme

    Thanks in advance

  2. _X_

    _X_ New Member

    I have the same problem and have done this:
    Create Co-Domain for Site:
    Hostname: mail
    Domain: domain.com


    after that I can access webmail by typing mail.domain.com and get to the webmail page

    for Hostname you can type webmail if you like and then you can acccess webmail at: webmail.domain.com

    Of course there must be DNS record for mail.domain.com or webmail.domain.com

    If your ISP provider registered DNS records for you and you have mail.domain.com registered for mail server you can use that as I did.

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