SRE-Docker Compose for CRON job

Discussion in 'Linux Beginners' started by Ashishsme14, Feb 25, 2021.

  1. Ashishsme14

    Ashishsme14 New Member

    We had a task to Create a docker file with ubuntu image
    1. Create a file which has code to print date and time
    2. Write a cron file named "hello-cron" which includes the to run for every 1 min.
    3. The docker image should have a CRON job to print date and time every 1 min
    We created a file via vi command and in it given as

    #!/bin/sh -l
    echo "::set-output name=time::$time"

    After which we had executed -

    chmod +x

    then tried as -

    * * * * * /home/scrapbook/tutorial

    Not sure where we went wrong, please guide us.
  2. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

  3. Ashishsme14

    Ashishsme14 New Member


    I had successfully created but cannot able to run a cron file with with a min. Need help for it.
  4. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I am assuming you are using Ubuntu 20.04.
    Put listings and command outputs you post in CODE tags. See
    What shows command
    crontab -l
    What shows command
    ls -lh
    Put your file in /tmp directory for testing. Then use command
    crontab -e
    to add line
    * * * * * /tmp/
    Do note that unless you have set up cron to e-mail the results to you, your does nothing visible. I would modify with adding line
    echo $(date) >> /tmp/foobar.txt
    and then see what happens with command
    tail -f /tmp/foobar.txt
  5. Ashishsme14

    Ashishsme14 New Member

    We execute above command -

    $ crontab -l
    no crontab for root
    $ ls
    $ pwd

    We need to perform -

    Create a docker file with ubuntu image
    • Create a file which has code to print date and time
    • Write a cron file named "hello-cron" which includes the to run for every 1 min

    • The docker image should have a CRON job to print date and time every 1 min
  6. Ashishsme14

    Ashishsme14 New Member

    plz help us
  7. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    I've never used docker, but the command in a crontab should be executable, where it seems you put a directory path.
  8. Ashishsme14

    Ashishsme14 New Member

    What will be command in docker ?
  9. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Do you have the docker file with ubuntu image created? Does it work?
    If yes, do the commands I gave in #4 work?
  10. Ashishsme14

    Ashishsme14 New Member

    Do you have the docker file with ubuntu image created? Does it work?
    If yes, do the commands I gave in #4 work?

    Does not worked ...

    We need to perform -

    Create a docker file with ubuntu image
    • Create a file which has code to print date and time
    • Write a cron file named "hello-cron" which includes the to run for every 1 min
    • The docker image should have a CRON job to print date and time every 1 min
  11. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

  12. Ashishsme14

    Ashishsme14 New Member

    It not resolved our issue

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