SSH -key refused

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by rebicek, Dec 13, 2006.

  1. rebicek

    rebicek New Member

    I was read a guide on this site how to configure ssh with key logins. I try make the same on my Debian server, where I have OpenSSH server. But it didnt work. The server say's me key refused. Can somebody help me? Can be a problem, that I used OpenSSh server? I try to change authorized_keys to authorized_keys2, but nothing change :(
    Thank you all and sorry for my bad English...
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I also used Debian with OpenSSH when I wrote the tutorial, so it'S working.
    Maybe you made a typo somewhere or some other error? Please try to follow the tutorial as close as possible.
  3. rebicek

    rebicek New Member

    Thank for you answer. Mistake was on my site, as ussualy... :eek:) I had in my sshd in use protocol number 1. In putty protocol 2. It was stupid mistake. Thank's...

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