SSH no longer logs in (debian 4)

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by Reptile, Aug 13, 2007.

  1. Reptile

    Reptile New Member

    Out of nowhere my SSH has stopped logging in.:confused:

    I logged in before the weekend and it was fine. I think I might have ran apt-get update and apt-get upgrade but I can't really remember but it is the only change that would have been made to the server.

    At the moment I get a "connection refused" message if i try to login. If i change the port it timesout because the firewall blocks all the ports so it seems that SSH service is responding, albeit incorrectly.

    I have a couple of servers all using the same setup and for security all the IPs are allowed through the firewall to the SSH port and I get the same problem trying to log in through them.

    I got my server rebooted into rescue mode and the SSH config looked as it should. The server is functioning normal albeit I cannot login to adminster it.
  2. Reptile

    Reptile New Member

    Problem solved.

    Hosts allowed me in with KVM and it seems i had accidentalyl changed the permissions of the var/run directory when fiddling around with permissions for /var/www last week.

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