SSL and Letsencrypt settings not stored upon creation of website (multi-server environment)

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Masters of Media, Jan 11, 2021.

  1. Masters of Media

    Masters of Media Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I have a multiserver setup with a separate master server, db server , mail server, 2 dns servers and 2 web hosting servers. I followed the multi server setup and 'perfect server' guides to setup this cluster. All servers are on Ubuntu 20.04 and ISPConfig 3.2.2.

    If I create a new website I get to choose the hostingserver and IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and domain names. At the end of the form I choose SSL and Letsexcrypt to be active and save the new website. The website is added to the list of websites.
    If i then open the newly created website shortly afterwards, the SSL and LetsEncryp checkboxes are not selected. Also, the newly created website is not being served with an https connection either, so that's consistent. Only after I re-enable SSL and LetsEncrypt in the website settings and save the settings again, will ISPConfig remember those settins and will the website be served with https.

    Is this normal behavior in a multi-server setup (I have no single server reference available)? If not, what could be causing this and how to solve this issue?

  2. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  3. Masters of Media

    Masters of Media Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Thanks for the info Th0m. I read the Letsencrypt error FAQ. But here's the thing. My Letsencrypt error log shows no errors. Also, as I wrote, I had to open the website settings and re-save the settings and only then would the settings be saved. Meanwhile, nothing was changed in the domain settings nor in the DNS of the domain. And I made 100% sure the DNS was resolving properly to the domain before adding the website. And: I can reproduce this behavior with the same and otehr domains.
    So, it feels to me as if something else is going on here. Could this have enythiong to do with the Multi-server setup for instance?

    Thanks again,
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The FAQ contains all instruction to find out why LE could not be activated, looking at the log is just one small part of it. Please go through the whole FAQ from beginning to the end incl. the last chapter about debugging if you like to find out why the settings don't stick.
  5. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Maybe it's in a older log file - if it's empty, nothing happened.

    I use several multi server setups and none have a problem like that.
  6. Masters of Media

    Masters of Media Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Thanks Th0m and Till. I'll go through the faq again and will do the debugging part. Good to hear this is not specific to multi-server setups.

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