SSL Certificate

Discussion in 'General' started by alicumircea, May 16, 2014.

  1. alicumircea

    alicumircea New Member

    I purchased an extended ssl certifcate from Globalsign and I'm not able to have it installed on one of the domains. There are currently 10 domains hosted on this server. 2 of them have self signed ssl certificates created within ispconfig that work fine. I purchased the ext cert from Globalsign - I have received the following from them:
    - intermediate certificate (I copied it in the bundle box)
    - the ssl certificate that I copied in the ssl certificate box
    - I also have the CSR
    After entering all these in ssl tab, I choose save certificate.... But it seems that something doesn't work correctly - when I access the website by https, I get prompted by the self signed certificate of one of the 2 above websites that I mentioned. If I disable both of them, I get the certificate of the ispconfig control panel interface..... There's something I'm doing wrong and I don't know what....
    Last edited: May 17, 2014
  2. alicumircea

    alicumircea New Member eventually worked...

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