SSL error when trying to install godaddy cert

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by supportunlimited, Oct 25, 2016.

  1. supportunlimited

    supportunlimited New Member

    Hi there

    I am trying to install a wildcard cert to a site.
    We have enabled the SSL checkbox.
    We have assigned this site it's very own seperate IP address.
    When we get the cert back from godaddy, it shows up as being a self signed SSL cert that expires in 2018.
    We are using the latest version of ISPConfig with ubuntu 16.04

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You have to insert the cert that you got back from godaddy into the ssl certificate field of the ssl tab, then select "Save certificate" as action and press save. The procedure is explained in the manual in detail. you can download the manual here at howtoforge as subscriber.
  3. supportunlimited

    supportunlimited New Member

    We have done that. We have many other sites that work just fine.
    2 weeks ago, we had a problem with Geotrust
    We experienced the same type of behavior, showing up as a personal cert.
    We went back and forth with their tech support only to be told that we need to contact our network administrator.
    We said forget them and went with a godady cert. It worked fine.
    This week we are trying it on a different server, and now we get the same issue but with godaddy
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Did you insert the ssl bundle (chain certificate) as well on the ssl tab?
  5. supportunlimited

    supportunlimited New Member

  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Then the cert might not have been saved. e.g. when ther was another config error in that site. Did you check that the ssl cert in the ssl folder of the website is the godaddy cert? Is there a vhost.err file for that site in the apache sites-available folder?
  7. supportunlimited

    supportunlimited New Member

    I'm sorry Till
    We figured out that the owner of the domain actually used a wrong csr to create the SSL cert.
    We did it ourselves with his credentials and tada, it works now.
    We went to a site to compare the csr against the SSL and it came back as bad.

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