SSL handshake - PHP - Any language

Discussion in 'Programming/Scripts' started by ratcateme, Mar 27, 2008.

  1. ratcateme

    ratcateme New Member

    I am making a PHP script to listen to a socket that is SSL encrypted.
    at the moment have a script that listens to the socket and accepts connections that are unencrypted. i have checked Google and found out i need to send a SSL handshake. at the moment i have made a second script that connectis to the first script using the TLS protocol it sends this CLIENTHELLO:
    22 3 1 0 92 1 0 0 88 3 1 71 235      78 115 204 220 16 178 169 145 151 92 123 210 175  31 132   7 91 170  66  50 226 128  98 175  46  49 151 215 224 122      0 0 48 0 57 0 56 0 53 0 22 0 19
    22 3 1 0 92 1 0 0 88 3 1 71 235      79  88 149  44 64 238 109  49 52 150  63 226  17 100 242 143 52  65 241 124 111  75 163 235 241 183  18 172  70  67      0 0 48 0 57 0 56 0 53 0 22 0 19
    the second line is a CLIENTHELLO message i made by re-running my connecting script the start and end a the same i don't know if this helps but i thought i should include it.
    i think my first script that needs to respond with a SERVERHELLO so far i have found this i tried to fit the numbers above into the the CLIENTHELLO page but i am not sure how to do it.
    any ideas on anything would be appreciated.


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