SSL issues in migration? (still an ok title)

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by craig baker, Oct 24, 2020.

  1. craig baker

    craig baker Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I have been migrating from old server ns9 to new server
    now I could NOT do the migration originally because the API login always failed https://
    marius suggested editing the ispconfig.vhost and commenting out the SSL parts.
    did that, and I could log in and do the migration.
    however I would like to find out the problem so I can fix it properly!
    also - (which is just an A record in ns9's dns entries - should pull up the 000local site right?
    it does NOT come up as a secure site, and as I did on ns9 I added ns10 as a vhost under and check SSL and Letsencrypt - but
    still it is not showing as a secure site.
    so I would like to see where the bogus cert is coming from? so I can do the migration without disabling ssl!

    Another question I've been moving several websites, by the simple expedient of editing the A mail www records on ns9 to point to ns10 server, and do the same on ns10. indeed the sites move over. but I have to do this for every site (and I have about 100). is there some more automated way?
    and can I slave ns10 to ns9 so that I only have to edit the DNS records on ns9 and have them magically appear on ns10?

    inquiring minds and all that :)

  2. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can set up a secure certificate with this tutorial:

    If you have not set up the cert for the panel like mentioned earlier, the SSL error is expected. If you did, can you share what error message you get?

    You can do this by changing it in the database and then resync the zones through the panel.
    Log in to your DB:
    mysql -u root -p
    Enter your root password

    Use the ISPConfig database:
    USE dbispconfig;
    Run the command:
    UPDATE `dns_rr` set data = REPLACE(data, '', '') WHERE type = 'A';
    You should change the following things from this statement: should be your OLD data should be your NEW data
    A should be the record type (A, AAAA, CNAME, etc)

    Then run a resync: Tools -> Resync -> DNS Records.

    If you want to use ns10 as master DNS server in the future, the best thing you can do is do a syncjob using the migration tool from NS9 to NS10 for DNS.

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