SSL not found

Discussion in 'General' started by xanela, Jan 16, 2015.

  1. xanela

    xanela Member

    Hello everyone.
    I just purchased a comodo ssl certificate for a domain hosted on my server.
    I received by e-mail the following files: www_dominio_es.crt and CSR_SSL.txt.

    the contents of these files placed it on the tab ssl domain in question and active box to create certificate.

    When I try to access the site on which I installed this certificate invalid.
    A may be due this.

    The server is a debian apache2 7 installed according to gia perfect debian server 7.

    I hope you can help me.

    thank you very much in advance
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Did you create the csr and self signed ssl cert in ispconfig, abd then had it signed at comodo? Or did you create the csr somewhere utside of ispconfig?
  3. xanela

    xanela Member

    The csr believe the utility that offers comfortable to create the crs.

    but it is best to create it with ispconfig I can issue the certificate again.
  4. S0ft

    S0ft Member HowtoForge Supporter

    utilizo la misma versión y el mismo tutorial
    Debian wheezy + dovecot

    me sucede lo mismo en StartSSL hay un problema con el generador de request SSL en ispconfig, he logrado solucionarlo de la siguiente forma

    prueba con el certificado gratuito de globalSSL

    1.- Crea un certificado desde el panel de ispconfig3
    2.- el SSL request que te generó ispcofing3 debes dar cuando globalSSL te pida
    [Ellos a partir de SSL request generarán un nuevo certificado .crt y el SSL bundle y te lo enviarán por Email]
    3.- Remplazas este certificado en ispconfig3 panel [ese certificado si funciona]
    4.- No te olvides de asignar una IP dedicada y abrir el puerto 80 y 443 para que funcione en todos los navegadores. [esto lo haces desde el mismo panel ispconfig3]

    así es como funciona, al parecer ispconfig3 no acepta cualquier certificado, solo los certificados creados a partir del SSL Request

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