SSL / Sub-domain issue

Discussion in 'General' started by ITG, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. ITG

    ITG New Member

    Curious question.

    I have my ispconfig running under centos 6.3.. everything is working fine so far.. i noticed something tonight.

    When i go to the correct ssl certificate loads (using sni support with the latest version of chrome).. When i go to it shows up the wrong domain on the certificate. shows the domain for the panel/server hostname itself.

    Now for DNS, i have a CNAME for to point to ...

    I have tried the auto-subdomain as "None" and "www." ... either way, it doesn't seem to be correct...

    Any ideas?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Does the vhost list both and

    Did you select a specific IP address for the website in ISPConfig, or did you choose *?
  3. ITG

    ITG New Member

    So I guess I didn't come back and post my own reply eh?

    Falko, thanks for the response! I edited my /etc/httpd.conf and changed the servername to which apparently caused issues.. so i changed it to my ip address instead. Once i did that, everything worked fine (after an apache restart).

    To answer your question though, both are in the vhost file and yes i use * for the ip.
  4. almere

    almere Member HowtoForge Supporter

    What type of SSL certificate do you have?

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