Stability question

Discussion in 'General' started by NeoSyRenity, Oct 26, 2009.

  1. NeoSyRenity

    NeoSyRenity New Member


    I'm currently using ISPConfig 2, and would like to ask, is the version 3 stable for production?

    Also, how difficult is it to migrate ver. 2 site to ver. 3?

    And last but not least, will it work OK on Fedora 8?

    Thanks in advance!
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig 3 is stable already. Its not as mature as ISPConfig 2 but its stable enough for production use.

    There is no direct way to migrate ISPConfig 2 to 3, you will have to recreate site and users manually on the new ispconfig 3 server. Please be aware that boths versions have different system requirements, so you can not install ispconfig 3 on a server that has ispconfig 2 installed before without reinstalling the operting system.

    ISPConfig 3 has not been tested on fedora 8, but I know it works on fedora 9 and 10 (But not 11) so it will most likely work on fedora 8 as well.

    The recommended Linux distribution for ISPConfig 3 is Debian as it is the most tested solution.
  3. NeoSyRenity

    NeoSyRenity New Member


    Thanks for the explanation.

    I went with Debian 5 in the end, the installation according to the text HOWTO was a snap!

    I just got some errors when trying to set up the quota - any way to check out if it works correctly?

    Thanks again.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can check your quota settings with
    repquota -avug
  5. NeoSyRenity

    NeoSyRenity New Member


    Thansk, now it works!


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