standard "show directory" mode and error pages

Discussion in 'General' started by testset, Apr 5, 2007.

  1. testset

    testset New Member

    how can i set up following:

    f.e. we have the domain domain.tld with dir /images

    when i open domain.tld/images i see only "error 404" (or something).
    can i activate the old

    I have another problem: i haven't activated "own error pages", but the users can create own and there is an /web/error at every user dir... what to do?

    can i change all error pages per webinterface? (the "not own error pages" user have the old pages and not my edited versions)

    Thanks! :)
  2. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

    re: directory browsing

    Basically, you will need to add the following in the ISPconfig domain(s) Apache Directives (change the "/var/www/web28/images" to your settings)

    <Directory "/var/www/web28/web/images">
    Options +Indexes
    You can do this in ISP Management > domain-in-question > Apache Directives box (it's at the bottom)
    Make sure that there is NO index.html in the images dir!
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2007
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    First, it does not harm if users have their own error pages as this affects only their own website or userwebsite. If you want prevent this, chown the error directory to root and give all other users onyl read permissions to the directories.
  4. testset

    testset New Member

    my control panel says:
    that means something like "you cannot add apache directives to this web".

    i have only check ftp access above the directives box - is this the problem?

    @till: great idea - i was not shure if i should do it. i will try it in a few days. :)
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The problem is that you did not allow apache directives in the limits of the reseller. Please enable it there and you should be able to add apache directives.
  6. testset

    testset New Member

    i tried to add the directives via "admin" and via a reseller - both didn't work. I searched where i can edit the limits of the reseller, but i haven't found the form for edit the limits. when i click on the pencil which is before the resellers name nothing happens. i only see my ISP Server Status.
    Is there anything what i could do?
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I guess you are mixing up the reseller folder which has a pencil with the reseller itself. Or dont you created a reseller?
  8. testset

    testset New Member

    hm... i thought that i have created one... but what have i done when this is no reseller?

    i've created a reseller now - hope that it will work. :)

    Edit: Oh, now i know what i have done. i moved my reseller in dir /admin/Anbieter (= ger. reseller). now i can correct my settings - thanks a lot!

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    Last edited: Apr 9, 2007

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