Heya, I manage a large amount of clients on my ISPconfig install, my clients are clueless when it comes to email and the web, and they find it very difficult to use the control panel. Not that it's hard to use, but that they just don't know things like Username and DNS etc, etc. Ok so, I constantly have to get stats (http://www.client1.com/stats/) from the websites as they ask me questions like referrers and page hits blah blah. Now it's very hard to keep a database with the Admin user for each and every domain and enter that user and password. Now my question is: Is it possible to have a option to enable a Global Admin username and password for stats on all client sites. Something that the Reseller or Admin of ISPconfig can set and use that to login to all of his clients webstats for their websites? It would really help to manage alot of websites. Thanks. (Here's hoping the next release of ISPC will have it!)
good idea Also, it would be better to have this global password instead of the classic password admin/stats if no users are configured.
I've just implemented this feature. The global user and password can be specified under Management > Server > Settings > Options. The login admin:stats has been disabled.