Strange ISPConfig behavior for Let's Encrypt SSL

Discussion in 'General' started by tomal, Jul 15, 2019.

  1. tomal

    tomal New Member

    This is a newly installed/configured server - CentOS 7.6 minimum + Nginx 1.17 + PHP 7.2 + others + ISPconfig 3.1.14p1.
    Everything on this server works great except I can't create Let's Encrypt SSL from ISPConfig. But, I can create directly from the command line using: certbot certonly --nginx -d
    I have noticed that, ISPConfig enables the Let's Encrypt SSL if I create it manually from command line and then go to site setting and check the Let's Encrypt SSL checkbox. Is it he right way to do it?
    Appreciate if someone shed some lights on this issue.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Is your server behind a router or a similar device which prevents that domains on the server are accessible from the server itself? If yes, disable the Let's encrypt check under system server config.
  3. tomal

    tomal New Member

    Yes, the server is behind a MikroTik router with NAT firewall (port 80 to 80 but SSH to a different port). "Skip Lets Encrypt Check" already checked but no success.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

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