Hello, When I tried to install EPESI I got the following errors: Hide Type: E_ERROR (1) Message: xcache_count(): xcache.admin.user and/or xcache.admin.pass settings is not configured. Make sure you've modified the correct php ini file for your php used in webserver. File: /var/www/clients/client1/web1/web/workflow/contactcentre2/include/cache.php Line=63 error backtrace: [PHP core called function] function called: check_for_fatal() Epesi.text('Type: E_ERROR (1) Message: xcache_count(): xcache.admin.user and/or xcache.admin.pass settings is not configured. Make sure you\'ve modified the correct php ini file for your php used in webserver. File: /var/www/clients/client1/web1/web/workflow/contactcentre2/include/cache.php Line=63 error backtrace: [PHP core called function] function called: check_for_fatal() ','error_box','p');Epesi.append_js('$(\'debug_content\').style.display=\'block\';alert(\'There was an error in one of epesi modules. Details are displayed at the bottom of the page, please send this information to system administrator.\');'); I'm not quite sure what's wrong or how to fix it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you