Strange problem with ISP...

Discussion in 'General' started by terranet, Feb 11, 2008.

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  1. terranet

    terranet New Member

    My hw is,core2quad 2.4,8 gb ram,2 x 500 gb hdd-raid1.Before i install isp,i have instaled F8 and virtualmin in testing purpose.All that is work about 3 weeks without any problems.After that,i install fresh copy F8-perfect setup and isp..create mail user..about 1000..3 web sites and i have strange this:

    when i work with ssh ,after 5-10 min. ssh stop on 5-15 sec and sometimes they broke conections..

    when i work with isp on port 81,or webmin ,a lot of time i can`t open page or must reload few times

    when i try to open web or webmail or similari ,i must wait for 2-3 min or refhres 5-6 time...

    in all that case,i have ping to my server without any brake...

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please make sure that the name resolution on your server is working correctly. Make sure that the hostname of your server is registered in DNS and points to your server IP and that the nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf are reachable from your server.
  3. terranet

    terranet New Member

    i check all 10 it all ike write in manuall...test dns on dnsreport...evrithing look fine.
    i alredy have 3 servers with isp installed and they work perfect....but this...i don`t know...right now i go to change ram modul...write you later results..

    i edit post..same results...thinking oon next step.....
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2008
  4. hoihtah

    hoihtah New Member

    can you be sure that the hardware is stable at max load?
    i usually use windows xp (sandra, prime at the same time) for at least 24 hours before installing anything on it.
    which stepping is your q6600? the earlier stepping gets real hot at load. above 70. So, you might want to check on the cpu temperature as well.
  5. terranet

    terranet New Member

    i think..the problem was in one hdd,beacose,i replace hdd with 2 new,make new install,copy accounts and other things,and now working without any problems.
    It`s ,how to say..2 totaly new hdd with bad sector...:confused: ,

    thanks for can close the topics..
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