Strange thing happened on a new account addition. This is the first account I added after configuring the email. Configuration is as follows. _________________________________________ Hi %%%FIRST_NAME%%%, Your account at Example Company has been successfully created. Details for accessing your control panel and future web home are as follows: Client: %%%FIRST_NAME%%% %%%LAST_NAME%%% Company: %%%COMPANY%%% Control Panel Access: %%%CP%%% Username: %%%USER%%% Password: %%%PASSWORD%%% Please be sure to change your password to something appropriate and secure. For help using the control panel, please reference the user manual located at %%%MANUAL%%%. Please direct all other questions and concerns to [email protected]. However the client received a email they forwared me that had the corrected subject but the contents of the email looks like a encryption key of sorts. Subject: Account details for (Client) at (Company) SGVsbG8gS2VubiBXaWdnaW5zLAoKVGhhbmsgeW91IGZvciByZWdpc3RlcmluZyBhdCBUaGUg TGlu b2xvZ3kgRm91bmRhdGlvbi4gWW91ciBhY2NvdW50IGlzIGNyZWF0ZWQgYW5kIG11c3QgYmUg YWN0 aXZhdGVkIGJlZm9yZSB5b3UgY2FuIHVzZSBpdC4KVG8gYWN0aXZhdGUgdGhlIGFjY291bnQg Y2xp Y2sgb24gdGhlIGZvbGxvd2luZyBsaW5rIG9yIGNvcHktcGFzdGUgaXQgaW4geW91ciBicm93 c2Vy OgpodHRwOi8vbGlub2xvZ3kuY29tL2luZGV4LnBocD9vcHRpb249Y29tX3JlZ2lzdHJhdGlv biZ0 YXNrPWFjdGl2YXRlJmFjdGl2YXRpb249OWQ2MDUzMmY5MjQ2ZDRhYTY2YjE5Y2UwN2YxOGFj MDgK CkFmdGVyIGFjdGl2YXRpb24geW91IG1heSBsb2dpbiB0byBodHRwOi8vbGlub2xvZ3kuY29t IHVz aW5nIHRoZSBmb2xsb3dpbmcgdXNlcm5hbWUgYW5kIHBhc3N3b3JkOgoKVXNlcm5hbWUgLSBr d2ln Z2lucwpQYXNzd29yZCAtIGtlbm5ldGgK I also saw a similar issue with a email sent from Ihola mail where just the header came across in the email with no contents, but the problem seems to be isolated to that web client. Is there a config I missed somewhere, except for this the server is performing spectacular..much better that the previous "paid" control panel I had before I reloaded the server.
No errors No errors, it may have just been a fluke with the clients email software, I have tried it several times with test accounts with no errors. However testing to gmail I am seeing header info in the email. X-Mailer: PHP4 X-Priority: 3 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Message-Id: <20060517200246.44B9D84C609@mars> Date: Wed, 17 May 2006 16:02:46 -0400 (EDT) again just looks to me something strange with the client side, because I can change the password and send the email to a myself and check it with roundcube and everything looks fine. Ill keep an eye out for more concrete data that may point to a problem. Is it possible to resend a salutatory email? Thanks for the quick response and most excellent software setup.