Hi, I am stuck at 14 Install PureFTPd And Quota i am getting following error after running following command in putty. i run the following following command. the following error come. Your help will be appreciated thank You. Regards, Ben Link to tutorial.
ok i have left 14 and pass to next 15. btw what was benefits of PureFTPd and can i install it after ispconfig is installed or no need of PureFTPd. Thanks and Regards, Ben
If you want to upload files to your websites by FTP, then you need pure-ftpd. pure-ftpd has to be installed bafore you install ispconfig. But your problem is not related to pure-ftpd, the problem that you posted is about quota. Post your fstab file.
Hi, Thank you for your reply. I have only the following line in my fstab file. Because tutorial author ask to add this into fstab. But it's return error. [mntent]: line 1 in /etc/fstab is bad After that i have copy pasted whole author file into my fstab file. Then i got the Access denied error. But now i have successfully installed the ISPConfig and it's working fine. But Can i need to install everything again to get FTP Working? or i can use any web based file manager that you can suggest. Thanks and Regards
the author asks to modify a ecxisting line and add this part into that line, not to add this part as new line. Thats a baed idae, as this file is different on each server and the system will not boot, if the file is wrong. Did you made a backup fo the file before you overwrite it? Your problem is not related to FTP at all, like I mentiond above. Its a quota problem.
Hi, No i don't have any backup of that file because that file only include 0 0 0 and something like that and not like author file. So it's mean i need to do reinstall? Thanks for your help.
Hi I don't think that you need to format/reinstall. There are several tricky things which you can do to make your /etc/fstab. I will suggest one of those:- use this command (This will only work if the server was not restarted after the changes made by you in /etc/fstab) there you will find current mount points of the server. From there collect the UUID/your mount point for "/" "/boot" etc. Just add those enties to the /etc/fstab. Note: Please avoid duplicacy of mount points This will only work if the server was not restarted after the changes made by you in /etc/fstab. Br// Srijan